
   A tragic love story of a young man named Anthony and a young woman named Stacy.  It all started when Anthony got invited to a dance party.  At the party a young woman named Stacy was hanging out with her friends.  Anthony saw Stacy and he was heading towards her because he thought that she was the most beautiful girl in the world.  He sat down next to her and started talking to her.  Stacy felt the same as how he did also.  She thought that he was the best person for her.  Stacy later on that night left home and couldn't wait to tell her parents what had happened to her.  When she got there she told her parents everything but, her parents didn't agree with that love that she had for him.  They told her that she can't be with him because he was going to ruin her life.  Stacy just then left running to her room crying because of what her parents told her.  It was the next day when Anthony and Stacy met up and he told her if she wanted to be with him.  She said yes, but in her mind she was thinking of what her parents told her. He then told her that his parents would accept her no matter what.  Days past, and their love was more strong than anything.  They would hang out at Stacy's house.  When suddenly her parents get home and find them both together.  They started an argument that ended up with the teens breaking up.  The next day, Stacy's parents introduced to her a young ugly man who's name was Jake.  They told her that she had to marry him because they are meant to be together.  She said that she would never marry him.  Later that afternoon, her parents forced her to get married, so she did.  Anthony found out about what has happened to Stacy and went to look for her.  He went to her house and found her crying.  But, he had not seen Jake and started talking to her.  Jake saw him and he started to fight with him.  He pushed him off the stairs and Stacy went running to help him.  But it was too late because his pulse had stopped.  She called her parents and told them what happened.  They told her that he had deserved it.  They left with Jake and left her by herself.  She was crying because she had lost her love of her life.


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